5 Signs Your HVAC System in Seabrook Island, SC, Is Inefficient

An increase in monthly utility bills is the first sign that the HVAC system in your Seabrook Island, SC, home is inefficient. A tune-up service will often make the system run efficiently, or if it has reached the end of its lifespan, you can replace it with a newer and more efficient system. Here are five signs that your HVAC system is running inefficiently.

1. System Older than 10 Years

Although a 10-year-old HVAC system is still operational, it is less efficient compared to modern HVAC systems. Modern systems come with improved technology for better airflow, higher seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) and variable speed motors that make them more energy efficient.

A system from 10 years ago may have a SEER of 10 or less whereas newer systems have a SEER of at least 15. Other features, such as a thermal expansion valve, further make the HVAC system operate more efficiently, leading to reduced utility bills. Even if your older system is still operational, replacing it with a new system can cut down energy consumption by up to 40% as the U.S. Department of Energy observes.

2. Poor Indoor Air Quality

The HVAC system filters the air that goes through the ducts to improve indoor air quality. Over time, the ducts gather dust, pollen and other particulates that affect the quality of indoor air. These particles block the air filter, which in turn obstructs airflow in the home.

If you notice signs of reduced airflow or air full of pollutants, such as dust, it means your HVAC system is less efficient. An HVAC technician can help assess the system and do the necessary repairs to correct the poor indoor air quality problem. They start by replacing or cleaning the filters and then might clean the ducts to enhance airflow.

3. AC Doesn’t Produce Cool Air

The AC should produce cool air after running for a while. However, if the AC fails to produce cool air, and there is no warm air around the outdoor unit, then your system is not as efficient as it should be. In other instances, the home might be unevenly cool or warm.

If you notice fluctuations in temperature, contact an HVAC technician to provide a tune-up to the system. The technician will also check if the ducts are leaky or clogged and do the necessary repairs.

4. Faulty Thermostat

The thermostat is the central control for your home’s HVAC system. If the thermostat is faulty, the entire HVAC system will perform inefficiently. You can tell the thermostat has a problem if you get faulty readings, if you get suspiciously high energy bills, if the HVAC system short cycles, if the thermostat does not respond to changed settings or if you get constant temperature shifts.

If you have an old thermostat with only a few controls, it is time to get a new unit. New programmable or smart thermostats are more efficient, and they give you more control over the heating and cooling of your home. When shopping for a replacement thermostat, pick one with modern features, such as auto changeover, reminders, automatic temperature changes and app control among others.

5. Unusual Odor From the HVAC

An unusual odor coming from the HVAC system is a sign that one or more parts of the system are not as efficient as they should be. If the smell is like that of dirty socks, then you may have biological contaminants in the ducts. The smell of rotting garbage indicates the presence of a dead animal inside the ducts – this needs immediate removal.

In some instances, you may have the smell of rotten eggs coming from the HVAC system. This smell indicates a gas leak. A gas leak needs immediate correction by a professional.

Regular maintenance and tune-up can ensure that your system performs optimally at all times. Call M & B Heating and Air in Seabrook Island, SC, today for air conditioning, heating and indoor air quality services.

Image provided by iStock

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