5 Things That Determine Indoor Air Quality in Charleston, SC
Indoor air quality can have a big impact on how a person feels, especially if they have certain medical conditions. Many things can affect how high quality or low quality the air could be, and knowing what those elements are could help you make improvements. The following are factors that can influence the indoor air quality at your home in Charleston SC.
1. Humidity Level
It’s critical to keep humidity levels under control. The humidity range for interior environments should be between 30% and 50%. An HVAC system that works properly can help regulate humidity levels, so if it feels like the humidity level in your home isn’t right, you may need an HVAC contractor to come in and evaluate if the system might need a repair or replacement.
Humidity levels that are too high could lead to problems like biological growth within the residence, breathing problems and even damage to home furnishings. Low humidity levels could result in skin irritation, throat pain and dry eyes. Devices like humidifiers and dehumidifiers could help create a more balanced level of humidity.
2. Pets
Although pets are members of the family, they can have a negative impact on indoor air quality. For example, cats and dogs can release fur and dander into the air. Any animals that go outside are also bringing in outdoor pollutants, like pollen, that attach to their fur.
You’re not only breathing in these pollutants, but they’re clogging up the air filter in your HVAC system. Having your pets regularly groomed can make a positive difference. It’s also essential for you to change or have your air filters changed by an HVAC technician to prevent them from getting blocked with dust and debris, resulting in the system not working efficiently.
3. Inadequate Ventilation
When a home has poor ventilation, various pollutants, including dust, pollen and pet dander, can build up, leading to poor air quality. It can be especially detrimental for those who suffer from allergies, asthma or other breathing problems.
One easy way to improve ventilation is by opening windows when the weather allows for it. Make sure you open windows that have screens if you want to let in fresh air. Plenty of bugs in Charleston, SC, would love to make their way inside, but screens can provide a barrier to keep them out.
4. Volatile Organic Compounds
It may surprise you how many items in your home contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs). They’re found in items ranging from cleaning chemicals to paint, and all can negatively impact indoor air quality. While certain VOCs are unavoidable in your house, excessive amounts can cause health problems such as nausea and allergies.
There are several steps you can take to protect your home from VOCs. For example, you can use non-toxic items and products whenever possible, let products with high VOC levels sit outside to air out before bringing them in and open windows when you’re using items like cleaning products.
5. Dust
Dust can easily build up and negatively affect indoor air quality. It contains bits and pieces of items ranging from hair and soil to dead bugs and clothing fuzz. All this dust settles on furniture, hard surfaces and the floor, especially on carpet.
Having the home cleaned regularly can help decrease dust levels. Floors, carpets, soft furniture, ceiling fans and baseboards are also areas that can benefit from regular vacuuming.
There are steps you can take to help prevent pollutants from coming into your home in the first place. For example, you can put mats at every entrance, don’t allow people to wear shoes in the house and take off any outdoor clothing, such as jackets, as soon as you come inside and hang them up by the door.
It’s essential to continually work to make your home as healthy as possible. Contact M & B Heating and Air, and schedule an appointment so we can give you personalized suggestions about how to improve the indoor air quality in your home.
Image provided by iStock
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