How to Improve Indoor Air Quality for Seniors in North Charleston, SC
Did you know indoor air quality is often worse than outdoor air? To make things worse, seniors are especially at risk for the health effects of poor air quality. Luckily, there are six cost-effective measures you can do to improve indoor air quality for seniors in North Charleston, SC.
1. Get an Air Purifier
Air purifiers remove contaminants from the air, including dust, pollen and smoke. Air purifiers can help seniors with allergies, asthma and other respiratory conditions. Also, air purifiers can help reduce the risk of infection.
Ensure you buy an air purifier that is the right size for the room. The rating determines the size of the room the air purifier will be useful in. Consequently, you’ll want to ensure you get an air purifier that can purify the entire room. Whole-home air purifiers can be added to your existing HVAC system also.
2. Maintain Your HVAC System
Your HVAC system circulates the air in your home. Make sure to have your HVAC system serviced regularly so it runs efficiently. Also, ensure you change the filter on a regular basis.
Over time, the filter becomes clogged with dust, pollen and other particles. A clogged air filter can reduce the efficiency of your HVAC system, causing the system to work harder while circulating contaminants in the air. A new filter will improve your HVAC system’s efficiency and the overall indoor air quality.
If your system isn’t working properly, contaminants can build up and cause health problems for seniors. Only use certified HVAC contractor services to solve HVAC problems so they’re done right the first time. Also, be sure that the contractor you use offers a warranty on their work to ensure you’re satisfied with the results.
3. Ventilate Your Home
Ventilation helps get rid of contaminants in the air. Ensure your home has proper ventilation, especially in rooms where seniors spend a lot of time. Kitchens and bathrooms are good examples of rooms that need proper ventilation.
Also, ensure your home is well-ventilated by opening windows and doors when weather permits. You can use exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathroom to remove contaminants from those rooms. If needed, mechanical ventilation is an option that can capture the energy in the air being exhausted and used to treat the incoming air.
4. Don’t Smoke Indoors
Secondhand smoke is harmful to everyone, but it’s more hazardous for seniors since they have lower immunity to diseases and infections. Passive smoking can affect seniors’ health in many ways, including increasing the risk of cancer, respiratory problems and heart disease.
You do not want your elderly loved ones to suffer from poor indoor air quality that you could have prevented. If you smoke cigarettes, do so outdoors to protect the indoor air quality of seniors in your home. Also, don’t allow anyone, including visitors, to smoke inside your home.
5. Use a Humidifier
Dry air can worsen respiratory conditions like asthma and allergies. Using a humidifier can increase the air’s moisture and reduce the risk of seniors getting sick. And, a humidifier can also help reduce static electricity and make the air feel warmer in cold weather.
Moreover, clean the humidifier regularly to prevent biological growth. You should also use distilled water in the humidifier to reduce the risk of minerals building up in the device. Whole-home humidifiers are available that can be added to your HVAC system to ensure every room has the proper humidity level.
6. Control Dust Mites
Dust mites are tiny creatures that live in dust and they’re a common cause of allergies and asthma attacks. Unfortunately, dust mites are everywhere, even in clean homes. Vacuum regularly and use dust mite covers for bedding to reduce the number of dust mites in your home.
Furthermore, declutter your home to reduce the amount of dust and keep surfaces clean and uncluttered. Also, don’t forget to vacuum and clean under furniture where dust can accumulate. Moreover, don’t allow pets to sleep on beds where seniors sleep.
If you’re concerned about the indoor air quality of your senior’s home, call M & B Heating and Air. We’re HVAC experts that can help you improve the indoor air quality of your home. We’ll inspect your HVAC system and make sure it’s running properly.
Image provided by iStock
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