4 Signs of a Faulty AC Sensor in Charleston, SC
A faulty AC sensor is a common problem in Charleston, SC. A faulty AC sensor will affect the performance of your system and cause it to run hotter than usual. If you’re experiencing any of the following issues, it’s important that you schedule repair services to avoid permanent damage to your system.
1. Low Cooling Capacity
The AC system should be able to keep your home cool by blowing air from the outdoor air conditioning unit. The AC cools the indoor space to a certain temperature. A faulty AC sensor will decrease the cooling capacity of your system , and it won’t keep the inside of your home cool.
2. You Can’t Change Settings With the Remote Control
A faulty AC will prevent you from changing the fan speed and modes. We recommend calling a professional technician to check and service your system if you’re experiencing this problem.
3. Monthly Utility Bills Are Higher Than Normal
A faulty cooling system may also cause your monthly utility bill to be higher, so it’s best to have a technician diagnose your AC as soon as you notice higher utility bills. You can save money by having technicians service your system before the problem worsens. You may be wasting power with a malfunctioning AC sensor.
4. AC Constantly Running
An AC sensor helps to control how often your system turns on and off. It’s important that the sensor works properly in order to maintain the correct temperature in your home or office. If the AC is constantly running, it could be because of a faulty AC sensor or the system malfunctioning.
Regular maintenance may help prevent and quickly identify an AC sensor that is malfunctioning. Schedule routine maintenance with our technicians to avoid problems with the AC unit. If you need help with AC repair and maintenance in and around Charleston, SC, call us at M & B Heating and Air today.
Image provided by iStock
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