4 Ways You’re Damaging Your Home’s IAQ in Charleston, SC

Good indoor air quality provides numerous benefits for you and your family. It can relieve or prevent allergy symptoms, keep your furniture cleaner and make your home in Charleston, SC smell more pleasant. You can protect your home’s IAQ by avoiding these four things that damage it.

1. Not Changing the Air Filter

Dirty air filters damage the IAQ in your home. They contribute to your furnace and air conditioner blowing out air full of dirt, dust and other contaminants. You can keep your home’s IAQ cleaner by changing out the air filters in your central HVAC system every two to three months.

2. Using VOCs

VOCs or volatile organic compounds, likewise, damage the indoor air quality in your home in Charleston. They include compounds found in products like hairspray, household cleaners and air fresheners. To avoid compromising your home’s IAQ, minimize using VOCs or install equipment like an energy recovery ventilator that can bring fresh air into your home.

3. Not Controlling Your Humidity Levels

Equipment like humidifiers and dehumidifiers can improve your home’s indoor air quality. These devices help you maintain a comfortable level of relative humidity — typically 30% to 50% — in your home by adding or removing moisture from the air. You can hire an HVAC technician to install this equipment in your home when you want to improve its IAQ.

4. Not Scheduling Routine HVAC Maintenance

You can minimize damaging the indoor air quality in your home when you schedule routine maintenance for the HVAC system. A technician can clean the condensate drain and coils, remove dirt and leaves from the outdoor unit and check parts like the compressor. Routine maintenance can also involve removing dirt and dust from the vents and sealing your HVAC system’s ducts to protect your home’s IAQ.

These four common mistakes can significantly compromise the quality of your home’s indoor air. Contact M&B Heating & Air to learn what IAQ solutions we offer.

Image provided by iStock

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