Reduce Your AC Costs With These 5 Tips
Staying cool during the hottest days of the year doesn’t have to be expensive. With a little prep work and a knowledgeable HVAC contractor, you can beat the heat and reduce AC costs. To keep your Charleston, SC, home both cool and efficient, check out the tips below.
Keep Your AC Serviced
Your air conditioner has to work under extreme conditions and is literally under a lot of pressure to cool your home. Keep the HVAC system cleaned and maintained to ensure that it runs efficiently. Make sure plants are not allowed to grow onto the vent and that seed material and other debris don’t build up in the unit.
Leave Your Thermostat Alone to Reduce AC Costs
Set a temperature, and leave it. Cranking down your AC only makes the system run longer. If possible, program your thermostat to cool down at night, so your AC unit can get ahead of the heat of the day.
Monitor Your Windows
Seal your windows to make sure you’re not letting in a great deal of hot air. Then be sure to close drapes to block out direct sunlight. When you’re ready, consider purchasing energy-efficient windows.
Unplug Electronics
Anything that generates heat should be used sparingly. Try not to use your dryer for longer than necessary, or try to use it in the evening. Skip your indoor oven, and use an outdoor grill.
Consider Repainting
A dark house will absorb a lot of heat, so if it’s allowed, consider painting your house a lighter color. Additionally, add awnings or window film to shield windows, particularly on the south side of your home. Add thermal drapes to eastern windows to keep the heat of the sun out of the house early in the day.
Hot weather doesn’t have to be miserable. Contact M & B Heating and Air to get your AC system checked out before things get too hot. A clean unit will run longer and be more effective from day to day.
Image provided by iStock
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