6 Inexpensive HVAC Add-Ons Worth Investing In on Kiawah Island, SC

HVAC add-ons have multiple benefits for your home, including improved indoor air quality and increased comfort. In addition, they help to minimize your system’s energy consumption. Here are HVAC add-ons that you can get for your Kiawah Island, SC home.

1. Get High-Quality Air Filters

Contaminated indoor air has multiple adverse effects like sneezing, running nose, watery eyes and irritations in your throat. If anyone living under your roof has asthma, contaminated air may trigger asthma attacks.

Your HVAC filter steps in to clean your indoor air by trapping these pollutants to prevent them from floating in your indoor air. There are several air filter types on the market, including fiberglass, pleated, UV and electrostatic filters. There are also media filters and washable filters.

These filters differ in the materials used and how they work to eliminate indoor contaminants. For instance, UV filters use short-wave UV light to neutralize pollutants, and electrostatic filters use static electricity to trap contaminants.

Most importantly, you should check a filter’s MERV ratings before you buy it. The MERV rating ranges from one to 16 and shows how effectively an air filter traps contaminants.

A filter with a rating of 16 is the most effective, whereas a filter with a rating of one is the least effective. Our technicians can recommend the best filter for your home after reviewing your indoor air quality needs and checking your system.

2. Consider Air Purifiers and Air Cleaners

An air purifier sanitizes the air to eliminate harmful disease-causing viruses and bacteria floating in your indoor air. An air cleaner keeps you safe by trapping contaminants floating in your indoor air using a filter. Your service technician fits the air cleaner to your AC system.

In addition to keeping indoor air healthy, these devices minimize the chances of contaminants clogging your system parts. As a result, they help save your system from breakdowns and repairs.

3. Grab a UV Lamp

UV lamps use UV light to destroy the DNA of bacteria, viruses and other biological contaminants. Biological organisms may grow on your AC’s drain pan, becoming a threat to quality indoor air.

Your service technician may install the lamp inside your unit close to the coils. When UV lamps attack these contaminants, they cannot produce the essential proteins for survival.

4. Consider a Ventilator

Ventilators reinforce your HVAC’s ventilation function. Older buildings allow air to get in through poorly sealed windows and poorly insulated walls. While this scenario is good because it allows fresh air from the outside to get in, it causes your air conditioner to work harder to cool your living space.

You can make your home air-tight and invest in a ventilator. The device helps to bring in safe and fresh air from outside and to remove unpleasant indoor air. Therefore, your home stays fresh, and your AC does not have to work extra hard due to lost conditioned air.

5. Use a Smart Thermostat

A smart thermostat enables you to manage your home’s temperature requirements remotely. The device saves you money because you can use it to prompt your air conditioner to slow down operations during the day when no one is around.

It can also learn the time you get home and regulate the temperatures to your favorite level just before you arrive. The thermostat can also help you track and adjust your energy usage. This device helps to reduce your energy bills significantly.

6. Get a Dehumidifier

Insufficient humidity may cause your throat to feel dry, making your indoor stay uncomfortable. However, when indoor air is excessively humid, it increases the chances of biological growth. Consequently, you get a musty odor in your home.

Humidity can also cause dust mites to thrive. A whole-home dehumidifier will get rid of the excess moisture to restore your home’s comfort.

If you’re experiencing indoor air quality or air conditioner problems, reach out to M & B Heating and Air for exceptional air conditioning solutions. Our technicians will assess your home and recommend the best HVAC add-ons for your particular situation.

Image provided by iStock

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