3 Benefits of a Ductless HVAC System

A ductless or mini-split HVAC system has one or more indoor air handlers connected to an outdoor compressor. You can choose indoor units that attach to your Charleston, South Carolina, home’s walls or ceilings, and they’re available in several sizes and styles. Ductless systems are easy to install, and they’re ideal for new construction, renovations, or additions. Adding a ductless mini-split (heater and air conditioner) can help you save energy, improve your indoor air quality, and increase your comfort. Read on to learn about three benefits of a ductless HVAC system.

Energy Savings

Ductless systems don’t have to send warm or cool air through ductwork, so they don’t need to use as much energy as conventional models. You can avoid breakdowns from wear and use a ductless system longer before you have to replace it.

Better Indoor Air Quality

With a traditional system, dirt, dust, pet dander, pest droppings, pollen, and other contaminants can travel through your ductwork and all the rooms of your house. These substances can cause allergy or asthma symptoms, headaches, sore throats, rashes, and other health problems. With a ductless model, each indoor air handler has its own air filter. This keeps pollutants and bad smells from spreading as quickly and captures more contaminants.

Comfort and Convenience

With a ductless system, you will not have uncomfortable drafts or warm areas because of leaky ductwork. If your heater or air conditioner has more than one indoor air handler, you can use zoning to control them independently. A programmable thermostat can control each unit from one place. That way, you can change the temperature in your bedroom without affecting other rooms or zones. Some programmable thermostats have remote controls, and others let you make changes from your smartphone or computer.

M & B Heating and Air has more than 50 years of HVAC experience. We’re a Carrier Factory Authorized Dealer, and we can help you choose the best ductless HVAC system for your home. For superior service, call us anytime at 843-628-1775.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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