3 Benefits of UV Light Air Purification in Charleston, SC

Discussions about improving indoor air quality have become commonplace, with many solutions available. One of the most common topics is ultraviolet, or UV, light options. Consider these three important benefits of installing a UV light purifier in your Charleston, SC home.

They Reduce Household Odors

All homes have some odors, whether that’s from the spicy dinner you made last night or the cologne you spray on. It’s common to use chemical air fresheners to help with these odors, but that only masks the smell.

UV light purifiers work to break down the particles causing these odors at the cellular level. Microorganisms thriving in the air cause many of these unpleasant aromas. UV light damages the DNA of these organisms, preventing them from completing their cellular function.

You Can Enjoy Better Health

Everyone is always looking to better their health and reduce their exposure to various pathogens. While filters may be a good step, they don’t actually kill the pathogens, and many slip right through.

UV light doesn’t rely on a filter to capture the particle to render it inert. Rather, the light irradiates the cells as they pass through the system, destroying the associated DNA. While the particle may still be in the air, it can no longer reproduce to infect anyone.

They Make Airborne Allergens Inert

A common complaint around Charleston, SC is the number of allergens floating through the air. This is especially problematic over the humid summer months, where many of these allergens thrive, even inside your home.

UV light renders these particles inert, reducing the concentration of allergens. Not only does this help alleviate allergy symptoms, but it also makes HVAC maintenance jobs easier.

Get the best indoor air quality when you install a quality UV light air purifier on your HVAC system. Call to schedule a consultation with one of our indoor air quality specialists at M & B Heating and Air today.

Image provided by iStock

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