3 HVAC Issues Prevalent in Older Homes in Charleston, SC

Living in an older home provides a great deal of benefits, including the charm and character associated with these more historic properties. However, you may also experience certain HVAC issues due to the age of your Charleston, SC, home. If you have an older home, be sure to keep an eye out for these three common HVAC issues that frequently plague older properties.

1. Reduced Indoor Air Quality

Depending on the age of your home, the codes and ordinances that dictated its construction may not meet modern standards. The changing building codes not only include the materials that builders used to construct the home, but it also includes ventilation standards. Due to the construction methods used in the past, many older homes suffer from reduced indoor air quality.

2. Outdated Thermostat

Your thermostat serves as the brains behind your entire heating and cooling system. When you set your desired temperature on your thermostat, the system turns off when it achieves that temperature and turns back on when your home becomes too warm or too cool. If you still have an older thermostat in your home in Charleston, SC, you may be better served by upgrading to a newer model that provides more control and better energy efficiency.

3. An Aging Unit

Finally, if you purchased an older home and have yet to upgrade the HVAC unit that came with it, there’s a good possibility that the system isn’t up to date. Newer HVAC systems provide many benefits, including improved energy efficiency. You may assume that you should keep your HVAC system in place as long as it’s working, but that’s not always the best choice.

Regardless of the age of your Charleston, SC, home, our team of professionally licensed service technicians can help ensure that your HVAC system meets your needs. Call M & B Heating and Air today to find out about all of our heating and cooling services.

Image provided by iStock

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