3 Signs Something Is Off With Your Thermostat

When the weather gets hot and humid in Charleston, South Carolina, one of the first things locals do is adjust the temperature on their thermostat. However, if it isn’t responding — or worse, the screen has gone blank — you definitely need to address an issue with this unit. Review some of the most common signs that indicate your thermostat isn’t working correctly.

Your HVAC System Runs Constantly

In normal operation, a heating or cooling system will cycle on and off to reach the temperature you’ve set on your thermostat. However, if your HVAC system is constantly running without cycling off, the issue could be your thermostat. A miscalibrated device can send incorrect signals to the system, causing it to run for long periods of time. Additionally, the wiring that connects to the air conditioner or furnace may have gone bad. Either way, you’ll need to address the problem or your system will waste a lot of energy, causing your bills to spike.

Varying Temperatures Between Rooms

An HVAC system is set up to deliver heated or cooled air to the entire house. When the temperature in one room differs from the temperature in another, you may have a problem with the thermostat. It’s particularly telling if the rooms farthest from the central unit are especially cold or hot, depending on which system you have running. In this case, the thermostat may be communicating to the system that it should turn off even if it hasn’t reached the right temperature.

A Blank or Unresponsive Screen

A blank thermostat could have dead batteries, which is an easy fix. Many thermostats are hard-wired and don’t use batteries. However, if it won’t respond to your changes or the screen stays blank after you replace the batteries, it may be time to replace your thermostat altogether. Adding a Wi-Fi-connected thermostat could be a good option in this case. This device lets you take advantage of automated features that improve convenience and help you save energy.

If you experience a problem with your HVAC system‘s thermostat, contact our technicians at M & B Heating and Air by calling 843-628-1775.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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