4 Reasons Your Pilot Light in Charleston, SC, Won’t Stay Lit

A pilot light is a small flame that burns to ignite your furnace. When the furnace begins its heating cycle, the pilot light ignites the burner, and when the heating cycle is complete, the light should remain lit for the next cycle. If your furnace in Charleston, SC, doesn’t stay lit, these are four possible reasons.

1. Malfunctioning Thermocouple

Pilot lights have a flame sensor that senses whether the furnace flame burns. The thermocouple detects when the flame’s temperature is low, and then it shuts off the gas. If the thermocouple is faulty, then the gas supply discontinues when it shouldn’t.

The thermocouple can be defective if it’s dirty, broken or not lined up well. To make sure the light is working, inspect the thermocouple regularly.

2. Pilot Light Burns Poorly

An effective light burns with a bright blue flame. If the flame is orange, then it’s burning ineffectively due to inadequate oxygen. The thermocouple detects when the flame isn’t hot enough and doesn’t burn as it should.

If the flame isn’t blue, it may emit carbon monoxide into the air. If you notice an orange flame, contact a professional immediately.

3. Dirty Pilot Orifice

A dirty pilot orifice could cause your pilot light to burn ineffectively. Dirt builds up on the gas supply valve, causing a low oxygen supply.

A weak yellow flame signals a poor oxygen supply to your the furnace light. Your supply valve needs to be cleaned and the air filter changed monthly to avoid this problem.

4. Pilot Light Blows Out

The light may blow out due to strong air currents. Sometimes the thermocouple manually turns off the pilot light for safety reasons. When the it blows out, it should be manually relit.

If the pilot light repeatedly blows out, there may be a problem in your HVAC system. A technician can conduct a series of tests on your heating system, then advise you whether to repair or replace it.

Our HVAC experts offer quality heating and cooling services. Contact us at M & B Heating and Air today for affordable installation and repair services.

Image provided by iStock

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