Mis-Using your Thermostat Can Cost You Money

If you find yourself ignoring your programmable thermostat, you’re not alone. Research shows less than half of the people with a programmable controller are using it, primarily because of difficulty with set-up. Unfortunately, most people don’t realize that investing a few minutes in learning to program the unit could cut energy costs as much as 15 percent, especially if the home is empty during the day. Our M&B Heating and Air technicians have also found over the years that many homeowners skip the programming because of confusion over heating and cooling myths.

Going to extremes

Your HVAC system won’t warm or cool your home any faster if you crank the temperature up to 90 or down to 50. In fact, it’s more likely that you’ll forget to reset the thermostat until after the house is uncomfortably warm or cold.

Playing it too safe

Just as some people think it’s faster to drastically change the thermostat, others think extra energy is used if the thermostat is changed at night or during the day when the house is empty. This myth says that it takes more power to bring the house back to the desired temperature than to simply maintain the same temperature around the clock. The truth is that thermostat changes of at least seven degrees lasting around eight hours do provide significant energy savings, according to the Energy Department.

The Thermostat Cure

To maximize energy savings, set the temperature to 78 degrees in summer and 68 in winter. If you want to feel cooler, turn on a fan. Put on an extra layer of clothing if you’re chilly in winter. Choosing to bump an extra degree or two on the thermostat regularly could add 10 percent to your energy costs.

Check out our thermostats and controls page to learn more about today’s high-tech, easier-to-use thermostats, or call (843) 628-1775 and ask how M & B Heating & Air can help you save energy and money.

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