What You Can Do To Extend the Life of Your HVAC System

Heating and cooling maintenance are two of your most important tools for extending the life of your HVAC system. Following a few smart tips for taking good care of your system and then topping those smart HVAC practices off with regular pre-season professional equipment maintenance tune-ups will not only help your system last longer but will also increase comfort, reduce repair costs and maximize system efficiency. These are all good reasons to give routine HVAC system maintenance your serious consideration.

Day-to-Day Heating and Cooling Maintenance Starts with You

During the summer and winter seasons, your HVAC equipment receives its heaviest use. That’s why it’s important to start each HVAC season with a clean, well-functioning system and then do your part to keep it that way. To help lengthen the life of your HVAC system, make the following home maintenance tasks a part of your normal routine:

  • Check the air filter monthly and clean or replace as needed.
  • Keep indoor and outdoor units clean and free from dust and debris.
  • Monitor system performance and effectiveness to catch potential problems early.
  • Promptly report any unusual noises, temperature fluctuations, humidity increases, excessive on-and-off cycling or sudden drops in comfort level to your HVAC professional.

Expert Pre-Season Maintenance Scheduling Also Depends on You

Aside from the day-to-day role you play in extending the life of your heating and cooling system, effective HVAC maintenance also involves many tasks that can only be handled by an expert. That’s why scheduling regular professional equipment tune-ups is equally essential to the health and longevity of your system. Your local HVAC contractor has been thoroughly trained to do the job right.

Making Your System Last: A Cooperative Effort

For help and guidance with the regular upkeep of your Charleston, SC heating and cooling system, check out our HVAC maintenance offerings or call our office at 843-628-1775 to schedule a system tune-up.

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